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No makeWrapResolversPlugin

Since PostGraphile V5 no longer uses resolvers, wrapping resolvers is meaningless. And yet! Since we now use plans, you can suddenly do a lot more by wrapping the plans than you ever could by wrapping resolvers - not only does it allow you to affect the data that's returned, it also allows you to change the very plan of what will be done!

makeWrapPlansPlugin is the new plugin generator that replaces makeWrapResolversPlugin. It has a similar API, but it's somewhat simplified:

  • No need for requires any more, since you can use the methods on steps to get what you need
  • No resolveInfo since it's not needed in Grafast
  • No context (but you can retrieve it via the context() step if you need it)

Now let's look at some of the things you might have used makeWrapResolversPlugin for in the past, and see how to map them into V5.

Setting a create/update mutation column value

You could use makeWrapResolversPlugin in V4 as a clumsy workaround to set specific column values in a built-in CRUD mutation by overriding what the system thought the arguments were. Fortunately, V5's plan system means that you no longer need to do this and you can address the problem more directly - you don't even have to have the column in your GraphQL schema in order to set it any more! 😅

Mutation: {
// This same pattern works for 'update' mutations too
createPost(plan, $source, { $firstName, $lastName }) {
// Call the original plan
const $planResult = plan();

// Get a reference to the `PgInsertSingleStep`.
// Remember: it's a step, it has not executed yet, so we can still
// augment what it will do.
const $insert = $planResult.get("result");

// We have a legacy 'name' field that needs populating; build it from
// each tuple of firstName/lastName fields:
const $name = lambda(
[$firstName, $lastName],
([firstName, lastName]) => `${firstName} ${lastName}`,
// Our callback is synchronous and won't throw

// Now set this as the value of 'name' in the PgInsertSingleStep:
$insert.set("name", $name);

// Our result is the same as before (otherwise dependent plans may fail)
return $planResult;

Performing an access check before a field plan

Steps that have side effects never get tree shaken or de-duplicated, so if we want to throw an error before the mutation takes place we can do so like this:

import { sideEffect, context } from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { makeWrapPlansPlugin } from "postgraphile/utils";

const plugin = makeWrapPlansPlugin({
Mutation: {
createUser(plan) {
// Extract the 'isAdmin' property from the GraphQL context
const $isAdmin = context().get("isAdmin");

// If the user isn't an admin, throw an error
const $preCheck = sideEffect($isAdmin, (isAdmin) => {
if (!isAdmin) {
throw new Error("Abort");

// Now call the underlying plans; these will never execute if the above throws
return plan();

Plans with side effects are only expected/supported in field plans on the Mutation type. Side effect plans elsewhere may lead to unexpected results.

Manipulating the data a field will return

It's quite common for developers to store a users email into the users table (see tip below on why you shouldn't do this). You typically wouldn't want other users to be able to see someone's email address; so you could mask it out with a field plan wrapper:

const plugin = makeWrapPlansPlugin({
User: {
email(plan, $user, args, info) {
// Get 'userId' from the GraphQL context
const $myUserId = context().get("userId");

// Get the user's ID
const $theirUserId = $user.get("id");

// Get the email via the original plan
const $email = plan();

// Now return a new plan that only returns the email if the IDs match
return lambda(
[$myUserId, $theirUserId, $email],
([myUserId, theirUserId, email]) => {
if (myUserId === theirUserId) {
return email;
} else {
return null; // TODO: ensure the 'email' field is nullable!

In my opinion, storing the email onto the users table is generally a bad design pattern. One reason is that it complicates security (see warning below), another reason is plurality: it's a lot harder to go from 1 to 2 of something than it is to go from 2 to 3. You should design your system to allow users to have more than one email address even if you don't allow it to start with, for example by storing emails into a user_emails table.


Though the above example may mask the email field when fetched directly, there are side channel attacks that someone could use to determine someones email - for example they could order by the email address and extract it from the cursor, or they could use advanced filtering to perform a dictionary search for the users email address. We strongly advise that you store email addresses and other private information into a separate table for the best security.