The Default Role
PostGraphile V5 doesn’t have a “default role” any more, but you can indicate a role to use in your pgSettings, and this can be dependent on a role not already having been set.
This documentation is copied from Version 4 and has not been updated to Version 5 yet; it may not be valid.
PostGraphile makes full use of PostgreSQL roles, so in this article we will explain briefly how PostgreSQL roles and users work and how that relates to how we use them in PostGraphile.
You can make any number of PostgreSQL roles with
command and assign permissions to those roles with the
command. Permissions like select from the table post
or insert rows into the
PostgreSQL roles are also hierarchical. That is you can “grant” roles to other
roles. For example if I had role editor
which could change the data in our
database and role admin
, if I granted the editor
role to admin
with the
grant editor to admin;
Then the admin
role would have the same permissions the editor
role has. The
role would also be able to change its role to the editor
role. This
means for the rest of the session you don’t have any admin
permissions, but
only permissions given to the editor
In PostgreSQL you also have the idea of a user. A user is just a role that can
login. So for example, the following are equivalent as the create an admin
role that can log in (or a user):
create role admin login;
create user admin;
…and the following are also equivalent as they create a role that can’t log in:
create role editor;
create user editor nologin;
“Logging in” just means we can use the role when authenticating in the
PostgreSQL authentication section of the connection string. So with the above
roles you could start a PostgreSQL connection with
, but not postgres://editor@localhost/mydb
Roles in PostGraphile
So how does this apply to PostGraphile? PostGraphile requires you to have at
least one user (role that can log in) when connecting to the server. That role
will be specified in your connection string and will from here on out be
referred to as the auth_user
. You’d connect with your auth_user
as follows:
postgraphile -c postgres://auth_user@localhost/mydb
The auth_user
will have all the priveleges PostGraphile might need.
You can also specify a default_role
with PostGraphile. The default_role
be used by PostGraphile whenever no authorization token is provided or when the
role claim in the authorization token is not specified. So all users that don’t
explicitly specify a role will automatically use the default_role
So the default_role
should have restricted privileges to only your data that
is publicly accessible.
After that you could also specify more roles like a user_role
which should be
included in the payload of your authorization tokens which may have more or less
permissions then default_role
In order to configure an default role just do the following:
postgraphile -c postgres://auth_user@localhost/mydb --default-role default_role
This article was originally written by Caleb Meredith.