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PostGraphile will automatically map PostgreSQL enums into GraphQL enums; they'll be automatically renamed in order to make sure they conform to the GraphQL naming requirements and conventions.

create type animal_type as enum (
create table pets (
id serial primary key,
type animal_type not null,
name text not null

The @enum smart comments can be used to set the name (@enumName) or the description (@enumDescription) of PostgreSQL enums.


COMMENT ON TYPE animal_type IS E'@enum\n@enumName TypeOfAnimal';

Sometimes people prefer not to use PostgreSQL enums due to their technical limitations (e.g. you can never drop a value from a PostgreSQL enum, and you cannot add a value to it within a transaction). There are other ways to add enums to PostGraphile:

Enum tables

We can leverage PostgreSQL's foreign key relations to enforce that a value is contained within a small set, defined by the values in some other table. To use this feature, we must have a table in which to contain our enums, and we must tell PostGraphile that it is an enum table using the @enum smart tag. You may also include a column named 'description' to provide the description for the enum value.

create table animal_type (
type text primary key,
description text
comment on table animal_type is E'@enum';
insert into animal_type (type, description) values
('CAT', 'A feline animal'),
('DOG', 'A canine animal'),
('FISH', 'An aquatic animal');

create table pets (
id serial primary key,
type text not null references animal_type,
name text not null

We also support the @enum smart tag on unique constraints (not indexes) so you could use a single table to contain all your enums should you wish. We do not recommend this specific pattern, but it's sometimes used in the ecosystem.

Should you wish to use a column other than description for the description of the enum, put the smart comment @enumDescription on the desired column.

To set the name of the resulting enum, you may use the @enumName smart comment, e.g.:

comment on table animal_type is E'@enum\n@enumName TypeOfAnimal';

The name must conform to the GraphQL Name restrictions.

With makeExtendSchemaPlugin

Use the standard enum GraphQL interface definition language (IDL/SDL) to define your enum:

import { constant } from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { gql, makeExtendSchemaPlugin } from "postgraphile/utils";

const myPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin(() => ({
typeDefs: gql`
enum AnimalType {
A feline animal

A canine animal

An aquatic animal

extend type Pet {
type: AnimalType!
plans: {
AnimalType: {
CAT: "cat",
DOG: "dog",
FISH: "fish",
Pet: {
type() {
/* TODO: add logic here */
return constant("cat");

Other ways

You can also use the underlying Graphile Build API to add a new GraphQLEnumType.