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Polymorphism in PostGraphile

Polymorphism in PostgreSQL schemas can take many forms. For PostGraphile to detect and generate GraphQL interfaces and unions (rather than regular object types) from your database tables, you need to provide PostGraphile some hints or instructions; one way to do this is with smart tags. Which smart tags to apply will depend on what shape your data is.


Under the hood, PostGraphile polymorphism is powered by @dataplan/pg's polymorphism; some restrictions may apply to what PostGraphile generates for polymorphic types and fields based on what @dataplan/pg supports. For example, CRUD mutations are not generated for polymorphic types at this time - see instead Custom Mutations.

@interface mode:single

In the simplest case you have a single table that represents all of your possible polymorphic types, perhaps using a 'type' column or similar to indicate the underlying type. For this style, you should:

  • add the @interface smart tag to the table, with mode:single and the name of the type column indicated via the type: parameter.
  • add @type smart tags to the table for each possible value of the type column

For example you might have a table like this one:

create type polymorphic.item_type as enum (

create table polymorphic.single_table_items (
id serial primary key,

-- Rails-style polymorphic column
type polymorphic.item_type not null default 'POST'::polymorphic.item_type,

-- Shared attributes:
parent_id int references polymorphic.single_table_items on delete cascade,
root_topic_id int constraint single_table_items_root_topic_fkey references polymorphic.single_table_items on delete cascade,
position bigint not null default 0,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
is_explicitly_archived bool not null default false,
archived_at timestamptz,

-- Attributes that may be used by one or more item subtypes.
title text,
description text,
note text,
color text

To have PostGraphile generate an interface for this table, you might use a comment such as:

comment on table polymorphic.single_table_items is $$
@interface mode:single type:type
@type TOPIC name:SingleTableTopic attributes:title
@type POST name:SingleTablePost attributes:title,description,note
@type DIVIDER name:SingleTableDivider attributes:title,color
@type CHECKLIST name:SingleTableChecklist attributes:title
@type CHECKLIST_ITEM name:SingleTableChecklistItem attributes:description,note

The @type tags take the value of the type column as the first argument and then accept name: and attributes: arguments; name being the name to create the GraphQL object type with and attributes: to be a comma-separated list of any columns that are specific to this type (and shouldn't be on the main interface).


The type column doesn't have to be an enum, any string-y type is fine but do ensure that all possible values it can have are declared in your @type smart tags!


For polymorphism to work, your table must have a primary key; we currently do not automatically detect the lack of primary key, so you may receive unexpected results (typically nulls) without one. If you have a view instead of a table, make sure to define a primary key using the @primaryKey smart tag.

@interface mode:relational

A slightly more complex case is having a table that defines the common fields as above, but then you join in additional data from other tables in a relational manner. This is similar to the above, but we use mode:relational and the @type tags declare the table that each type references rather than the columns that are specific to that type.

For example, for the following set of related relationally-polymorphic tables:

create table polymorphic.relational_items (
id serial primary key,

-- This column is used to tell us which table we need to join to
type polymorphic.item_type not null default 'POST'::polymorphic.item_type,

-- Shared attributes (also 'id'):
parent_id int references polymorphic.relational_items on delete cascade,
root_topic_id int, -- constraint being created below
position bigint not null default 0,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
is_explicitly_archived bool not null default false,
archived_at timestamptz

create table polymorphic.relational_topics (
id int primary key references polymorphic.relational_items,
title text not null
alter table polymorphic.relational_items add constraint relational_items_root_topic_fkey foreign key (root_topic_id) references polymorphic.relational_topics on delete cascade;
create table polymorphic.relational_posts (
id int primary key references polymorphic.relational_items,
title text not null,
description text default '-- Enter description here --',
note text
create table polymorphic.relational_dividers (
id int primary key references polymorphic.relational_items,
title text,
color text
create table polymorphic.relational_checklists (
id int primary key references polymorphic.relational_items,
title text not null
create table polymorphic.relational_checklist_items (
id int primary key references polymorphic.relational_items,
description text not null,
note text

You might use a comment such as this one:

comment on table polymorphic.relational_items is $$
@interface mode:relational type:type
@type TOPIC references:relational_topics
@type POST references:relational_posts
@type DIVIDER references:relational_dividers
@type CHECKLIST references:relational_checklists
@type CHECKLIST_ITEM references:relational_checklist_items

@interface mode:union

Sometimes you might have multiple independent tables that you want to be part of an interface, for this you can define a composite type that declares the shared attributes, and then add the @interface smart tag to this composite type, with mode:union (this is an SQL union, not a GraphQL union!).

For example, imagine that we have a table for AWS applications and a table for GCP applications (and maybe more for other cloud providers):

create table polymorphic.aws_applications (
id int primary key,
name text not null,
last_deployed timestamptz,
person_id int references polymorphic.people,
organization_id int references polymorphic.organizations,
aws_id text

create table polymorphic.gcp_applications (
id int primary key,
name text not null,
last_deployed timestamptz,
person_id int references polymorphic.people,
organization_id int references polymorphic.organizations,
gcp_id text

To have all of these tables implement the Application interface, we might add the following to our database:

-- Declare a composite type to detail the common fields
create type polymorphic.applications as (
id int,
name text,
last_deployed timestamptz

-- Mark this composite type as an interface named Application
comment on type polymorphic.applications is $$
@interface mode:union
@name Application

-- Have our tables implement this interface
comment on table polymorphic.aws_applications is $$
@implements Application
comment on table polymorphic.gcp_applications is $$
@implements Application


For cases where you want multiple tables that don't necessarily share any fields or relations to be part of a GraphQL union, you can give them the @unionMember smart tag.

For example, consider these independent tables:

create table polymorphic.people (
person_id serial primary key,
username text not null unique

create table polymorphic.organizations (
organization_id serial primary key,
name text not null unique

We could define a union that contains them both via:

comment on table polymorphic.people is $$
@unionMember PersonOrOrganization
comment on table polymorphic.organizations is $$
@unionMember PersonOrOrganization

And we could reference this type from an @ref smart tag; for example:

create table polymorphic.log_entries (
id serial primary key,
person_id int references polymorphic.people on delete cascade,
organization_id int references polymorphic.organizations on delete cascade,
text text not null,
constraint owned_by_person_or_organization check ((person_id is null) <> (organization_id is null))

comment on table polymorphic.log_entries is $$
@ref author to:PersonOrOrganization singular
@refVia author via:(person_id)->people(person_id)
@refVia author via:(organization_id)->organizations(organization_id)

Now will be a PersonOrOrganization by following the given relationships.


Since the log_entries table only has one reference to people and one to organizations we can use a shorthand for the via:s:

comment on table polymorphic.log_entries is $$
@ref author to:PersonOrOrganization singular
@refVia author via:people
@refVia author via:organizations