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PostGraphile automatically discovers relations between database tables by inspecting their foreign keys, and uses these to build relations into the generated GraphQL schema. If you're using the PgIndexBehaviorsPlugin (enabled by default) then PostGraphile will also look at the database indexes and only include relations that don't require a table-scan to implement.

An example of a foreign key constraint when defining a table would be the REFERENCES keyword below:

CREATE TABLE app_public.users (
-- ...
organization_id int NOT NULL
REFERENCES app_public.organizations ON DELETE CASCADE,
-- ...
CREATE INDEX ON app_public.users (organization_id);

Alternatively a foreign key constraint can be added after table creation:

ADD CONSTRAINT users_organization_id_fkey
FOREIGN KEY (organization_id)
REFERENCES organizations
CREATE INDEX ON users (organization_id);

You can read more about defining foreign key constraints, including constraints that utilise multiple columns, in the PostgreSQL documentation.

PostGraphile detects and exposes one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relations automatically. Many-to-many relationships can be handled with the many-to-many relations plugin.

By default, relations are exposed as GraphQL fields using a camelCase combination of the target type and the source fields (inflectors: singleRelationByKeys, singleRelationByKeysBackwards, and manyRelationByKeys). Unique constraints expose a GraphQL table type directly, non-unique constraints expose a connection or list depending on your configuration. The GraphQL connections that these relations expose support pagination, filtering, and ordering (and other features such as aggregation if you add the relevant plugin).


Example database schema for one-to-many relation

create schema a;
create schema c;

create table c.person (
id serial primary key,
name varchar not null,
about text,
email varchar not null unique,
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp

create table (
id serial primary key,
headline text not null,
body text,
-- `references` 👇 sets up the foreign key relation
author_id int4 references c.person(id)
create index on (author_id);

Example query against the above schema

allPosts {
nodes {

# this relation is automatically exposed
personByAuthorId {

Many-to-many relations

Many-to-many relations can be handled with the many-to-many relations plugin or by using a computed column that returns setof:

create table post (
id serial primary key,
headline text,
body text
create table author (
id serial primary key,
name text
create table post_author (
post_id integer references post,
author_id integer references author,
primary key (post_id, author_id)

create function "post_authorsByPostId"(p post)
returns setof author as $$
select author.*
from author
inner join post_author
on (post_author.author_id =
where post_author.post_id =;
$$ language sql stable;