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Get PostGraphile Pro

PostGraphile V4 Core is free and open-source, and is sufficient for many peoples needs. PostGraphile Pro is a commercial plugin for PostGraphile V4 Core, with additional features which can help your team to save development costs before deploying to production.

PostGraphile Pro is available as a perk for Graphile sponsors. Businesses which use PostGraphile should explore sponsorship as the first option to obtain Pro, as sponsorship also helps to fund development and maintenance of the Graphile suite, as well as enabling us to advance the software they rely on.

For businesses which are not capable of engaging in the sponsorship model, there is an option to purchase the license by itself. However, this does not come with any other benefit such as priority support or discounted consultancy rates.

Feature comparison

There are several tiers of sponsorship available; The “Production Sponsor” tier (Sponsor+) is suitable for many small and medium businesses while the “Private Advisor Tier” (Enterprise) gives access to a complimentary Development Support contract and discounted consultancy packages, perfect for enterprises and those who need bespoke advice and support on their project.

Below, we have listed the differences between PostGraphile V4 Core, purchasing the license by itself, and sponsoring Graphile. There are several tiers of sponsorship available; The “Production Sponsor” tier is suitable for many small and medium businesses with some perks such as free access to the database tool pgRITA and discounted consultancy calls. The “Private Advisor Tier” gives access to a complimentary Development Support contract and discounted consultancy packages, perfect for enterprises and those who need bespoke advice and support on their project.

Corep License Onlys Production Sponsors Private Advisor Tier
OSS projects, not-for-profitsAlso, hobbyists, pre-revenue start-ups, and any other use where the Pro features are either not needed or can be re-implemented by your teamSmall businessesSmall and medium businessesEnterprises
Instant GraphQL APIQueries and mutations and automatic CRUD mutations
Excellent performance
Authenticationvia JWT or custom pgSettings
AuthorizationRLS and RBAC
Relay-compatible connections
Simple list-based relations
Filtering & Ordering
Computed columns
Custom queries
Custom mutations
Smart Comments
Real-time GraphQLGraphQL Subscriptions and Live Queries
Integrated GraphQL query cost limit
Integrated limits on pagination
Integrated GraphQL query depth limits
Facility to scale via read replicas
Free access to pgRITA
Logo featured on
Logo featured in project
Sponsor's discountDiscounted video callsDiscounted consultancy packages
Supportvia community DiscordCommunity supportvia community DiscordCommunity supportPriority support via community DiscordCommunity supportWithin your own company
Please give back
$100/mo $25/mo USD +VAT
EUR €25/mo, GBP £20/mo
From $100/mo USD
GitHub Sponsors or annual invoicing
From $1,500/mo USD
GitHub Sponsors or bespoke invoicing
BuyGitHub SponsorsGet in contact
These features integrate deeply with PostGraphile V4 and have been optimized for its nuances by the maintainer. If you wish to build and maintain protections yourself rather than using the Pro plugin, refer to Production Considerations for information on how you might go about doing this.

PostGraphile V4 Core and PostGraphile V5 are OSS under the MIT license

PostGraphile V4 Core is sufficient for many peoples needs; it's the only version that existed for the first 2 years of the project and many people are running it with great success in production. No features in PostGraphile V4 Core have been removed or obscured, and it continues to be maintained. PostGraphile V5 is also open source under the MIT License and continues to be advanced and enhanced.

Development and maintenance of PostGraphile V5 is ongoing, supported by contributions from the community, professional services contracts and GitHub Sponsors.

PostGraphile Pro is a commercial plugin for those who wish to scale with PostGraphile V4

The Pro plugin enhances PostGraphile V4 with additional features and is loaded through the standard server plugin interface.

The Pro plugin contains features that are particularly useful to businesses wishing to scale their solution out using database read-replicas or protect the generated GraphQL API from expensive queries which may be issued by untrusted third parties. (Typically if the intended clients to your GraphQL API are first-party only then you would use a GraphQL query allowlist (e.g. persisted queries) for this purpose; although the Pro features can still be helpful to dissuade your developers from building expensive queries!)

Does the license cover my production cluster?

The Pro plugin EULA states you may:

use up to four Production Instances and up to 100 Development Instances of the Software

This is enough to cover a small cluster of 4 PostGraphile servers. If you will be running a larger cluster than this, please get in touch for custom licensing.

How many licenses do I need to cover my multiple development/testing stages?

The Pro plugin EULA states you may:

use up to four Production Instances and up to 100 Development Instances of the Software

"Development Instance" is defined as "an Instance that is used to support development, testing or deployment of a Production Instance", which covers standard development, staging, QA and similar environments.

If you have larger needs than this, please get in touch for custom licensing.

Where are the @graphile/pro docs/changelog?

You can read the @graphile/pro README on npm. There's also a lot more information in the Production Considerations page on this website.

Is the fulfillment of the license key automated?

Yes, license keys are issued automatically by our store software upon completion of the payment process. Sponsors can use their GitHub Sponsors account to log in to the store.

Do license keys "phone home"?

No, license keys are static and contain all the necessary claims, not dissimilar to JWTs. Our software does not "phone home."

You are not permitted to use the software once the EULA terminates (e.g. if you stop paying). We trust you, and want to minimize your maintenance burden, so the automated keys expire after one year rather than one month. You will be able to issue new keys via the store when your key is near to expiry. Please do not abuse our trust.

Does the Pro License come with direct support?

No. We run community support through our Discord Server where anyone can ask and answer questions about PostGraphile and the Graphile suite of tools. Sponsors receive priority support from our maintainers within our Discord Server. Sponsors on the "Private Advisor" tier or above can enter a complimentary Development Support contract and receive support through their company Slack/GitHub organization. Prices start at $1,500 a month, with no minimum term. More information can be found at the Development Support page or you can get in contract.

I'm an enterprise user and need X, Y and Z

Please get in touch and we'll be happy to help!