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Version: Draft


PostGraphile adds orderBy arguments to various of the table collection fields it builds so that you can control the order in which you receive the results. By default we add the table’s columns (or, if --no-ignore-indexes is enabled, only the columns that are indexed) in both ascending and descending order. For example, you could request the list of all forums ordered from newest to oldest:

query ForumsNewestToOldest {
allForums(orderBy: [CREATED_AT_DESC]) {
nodes {

Sometimes, however, you want to order by something a little more complex than the fields on that table; maybe you want to order by a field on a related table, or by a computation, or something else.

This plugin generator helps you build new orderBy enum values so that you can sort more flexibly (though you should keep in mind that they are enum values so they cannot accept arguments). Let’s make this clearer with an example:


To sort a list of forums (stored in the table app_public.forums) by the date of their latest post (posts are stored in app_public.posts) you might create a plugin like this:

import {
} from "postgraphile/utils";
import { TYPES } from "postgraphile/@dataplan/pg";

/* TODO: test this plugin works! */
export default makeAddPgTableOrderByPlugin(
{ schemaName: "app_public", tableName: "forums" },
({ sql }) => {
const sqlIdentifier = sql.identifier(Symbol("lastPostInForum"));
return orderByAscDesc(
($select) => {
const orderByFrag = sql`(
select ${sqlIdentifier}.created_at
from app_public.posts as ${sqlIdentifier}
where ${sqlIdentifier}.forum_id = ${$select.alias}.id
order by ${sqlIdentifier}.created_at desc
limit 1
return { fragment: orderByFrag, codec: TYPES.timestamptz };
{ nulls: "last-iff-ascending" },
Easily create orderBy variants

We used the orderByAscDesc helper to easily create the _ASC and _DESC variants without needing redundant code.

The above plugin adds the LAST_POST_CREATED_AT_ASC and LAST_POST_CREATED_AT_DESC enum values to the ForumOrderBy enum, so you can now order forums by these values from another table, e.g.:

query ForumsOrderedByMostRecentPost {
allForums(orderBy: [LAST_POST_CREATED_AT_DESC]) {
nodes {

Function signature


The signature of the makeAddPgTableOrderByPlugin function is:

function makeAddPgTableOrderByPlugin(
match: {
serviceName?: string;
schemaName: string;
tableName: string;
ordersGenerator: (
build: GraphileBuild.Build,
) => MakeAddPgTableOrderByPluginOrders,
hint?: string,
): GraphileConfig.Plugin;

interface MakeAddPgTableOrderByPluginOrders {
[orderByEnumValue: string]: {
extensions: {
grafast: {
applyPlan($select: PgSelectStep): void;

MakeAddPgTableOrderByPluginOrders is a hash (POJO ─ plain old JavaScript object) which maps from the name of the enum value to a GraphQLEnumValueConfig spec. Importantly, these enum values have an associated extensions.grafast.applyPlan method which will be used to apply the ordering to the parent PgSelectStep via $select.orderBy(...). The applyPlan can also choose to set the order as unique via $select.setOrderIsUnique(), which will mean that the primary key will not need to be added to the order by clause.

Use helpers

Note that you wouldn’t typically build the MakeAddPgTableOrderByPluginOrders yourself, instead you would use the orderByAscDesc helper.


The orderByAscDesc helper makes it easier to build the _ASC and _DESC orders which are typically identical except for name and reversed sort:

export function orderByAscDesc(
baseName: string,
orderBySpec: OrderBySpecIdentity,
uniqueOrOptions: boolean | OrderByAscDescOptions = false,
): MakeAddPgTableOrderByPluginOrders;

type OrderBySpecIdentity =
| string // Column name
| Omit<PgOrderSpec, "direction"> // Expression
| (($select: PgSelectStep) => Omit<PgOrderSpec, "direction">); // Callback, allows for joins/etc

The baseName will have _ASC and _DESC appended for the two enum values this function creates.

orderBySpec is where the order is specified, it either specifies a column name (string), an order spec without the “direction”, or a callback which returns the order spec without the “direction”.

uniqueOrOptions define 1) whether the sort order is unique, and 2) how to sort null values when sorting by ascending and descending order. Only set uniqueOrOptions (or uniqueOrOptions.unique) to true if you can guarantee that the sort order is unique.

You can also customize how nulls are sorted:

export type NullsSortMethod =
| "first"
| "last"
| "first-iff-ascending"
| "last-iff-ascending"
| undefined;

export interface OrderByAscDescOptions {
unique?: boolean;
nulls?: NullsSortMethod;
nullable?: boolean;

The nulls option extends the ORDER BY clause of the SQL query with either NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST according to the following rules:

  • "first": specify NULLS FIRST for both ascending and descending;
  • "last": specify NULLS LAST for both ascending and descending;
  • "first-iff-ascending": specify NULLS FIRST when ordering by ascending, and NULLS LAST when ordering by descending;
  • "last-iff-ascending": specify NULLS LAST when ordering by ascending, and NULLS FIRST when ordering by descending;
  • (default) undefined: omit both NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST in the order by clause for both ascending and descending, thus using the default ordering behavior.

For example, you may wish to create a plugin to sort movies by either top-rated or lowest-rated first (meaning the average of the movie’s reviews):

const customOrderBy = orderByAscDesc(
($select) => {
const sqlIdentifier = sql.identifier(Symbol("movie_reviews"));
return sql`(
select avg(${sqlIdentifier}.rating)
from app_public.movie_reviews as ${sqlIdentifier}
where ${sqlIdentifier}.movie_id = ${$select.alias}.id
{ nulls: "last" },

To get the top-rated movies, one would then use the RATING_DESC option in the GraphQL query. However, by default, RATING_DESC would put movies with no reviews (and thus an average of null) first, followed by the sorted movies. A movie with no ratings is not exactly what one thinks of when one hears “top-rated”! By specifying { nulls: 'last' }, however, PostGraphile knows that this orderBy plugin should still show the movies without any reviews, but just put them at the end of the list.

Be explicit about nullability

If your column or expression is nullable, you must either specify nullable: true or pass a value for nulls; if you don’t do this then PostGraphile will use a simpler expression for comparisons which is not null-capable, and this will break cursor pagination when nulls occur.