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Required knowledge


PostGraphile builds upon other technologies such as PostgreSQL and GraphQL, and the PostGraphile documentation doesn't cover these topics in depth as they are well documented elsewhere.

This page aims to outline some of the things you might want to do with PostGraphile and what knowledge you may need (and where to get it) to do those things well.


Below outlines some of the SQL syntax and features you will probably want to be familiar with to make the most of your PostGraphile usage. PostGraphile is unopinionated in how you manage your database, so you may not need to be able to write this syntax depending on what technologies you use to manage your DB (for example, you might use a graphical tool), but if you can read it then it will help you to read the PostGraphile documentation.

Case insensitive unless quoted

SQL is case insensitive, both keywords and identifiers, so the following are all equivalent:

  • select * from users
  • SeLeCt * FrOm UsErS

This means a column like userId will actually come out as userid. To make an identifier (table/column/function/etc name) case sensitive, wrap it in double quotes:

  • select * from "Users"

Benjie tends to prefer the lowercase syntax because it's easier to read and not as "shouty".

It's common to use snake_case as the naming convention in SQL because of this case-insensitivity, to save having to escape all the identifiers.

The word user is reserved, among others

If you want to call your table user you need to escape it; e.g.

create table "user" ( ... );

Here's a full list of reserved keywords:

Most PostgreSQL keywords are singular, which is why Benjie prefers to use plurals when naming tables as it helps avoid potential keyword clashes.

PostgreSQL doc versioning

PostgreSQL docs are found at Often when you google you will be taken to out of date docs, like those for version 9.1 or 8.3 or similar. At the top of every documentation page are links to jump to the same page in the different PostgreSQL versions. Always make sure you are referring to the docs in the version of PostgreSQL that you are using.

In our documentation, we always try and link to /docs/current/... which is a special URL that always shows the latest stable version of PostgreSQL. If you are using an older version you should make sure to switch to the older docs.

Defining tables

create table users (
id serial primary key,
username citext not null unique check(username ~ '^[a-z][a-z0-9]+$'),
first_name text,
last_name text,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now()

Rather than using the serial type (as in id serial primary key), it is typically better to use the int type directly and add a column generation expression such as generated always as identity (as in id int primary key generated always as identity). You may find a mixture of these two techniques in this documentation, mostly because serial is older and faster to type.

Creating roles

create role my_superuser with login password 'password here' superuser;
create role app_authenticator with login password 'password here' noinherit;
create role app_visitor;
grant app_visitor to app_authenticator;
  • create role statement:
  • login - enables login
  • password '...' - sets the password (note passwords are encrypted by default)
  • noinherit - if you are a role with noinherit then you do not inherit the permissions from the roles that you have been granted, though you may still switch into them (via set [local] role other_role;) to use those privileges. This is useful for the PostGraphile user because it means that it cannot actually take any actions without first switching into another role (e.g. app_visitor or app_admin).

Granting permissions

insert (column_1, column_2),
update (column_2, column_3),
on my_table to app_visitor;
  • grant statement:
  • select: we don't recommend using column-level select grants (because it prevents select * from working, and has knock-on consequences for mutations and functions)
  • insert (col1, col2) / update (col1, col2): we recommend that you always whitelist the writable columns; do not grant insert on my_table as that will allow inserting into any column including primary key, timestamps, etc. Combine this with PostGraphile's --no-ignore-rbac to have a more carefully honed GraphQL schema.
  • delete: column-level grants don't make sense on delete.

Creating security policies

Check out our Row-Level security infosheet here:

-- Without this line, even if you define security policies, they will not be enforced
alter table my_table enable row level security;

create policy manage_own on my_table for all using ( author_id = current_user_id() );
create policy must_be_verified on my_table as restrictive for insert using ( current_user_is_verified() );
create policy admin_delete on my_table for delete using ( current_user_is_admin() );
create policy friend_insert on my_other_table for insert with check ( are_friends(author_id, user_id) );
  • create policy statement:
  • as restrictive: by default policies are 'permissive' and only one must pass; restrictive policies require at least one permissive policy to pass and all restrictive policies to pass
  • for all / for select / for insert / for update / for delete: what operations does this policy apply to (note: there's no FOR INSERT AND UPDATE - you either have to use ALL or define multiple policies, one per operation)
  • using - check to apply against PRE-EXISTING ROW to see if you can do the action (doesn't make sense for INSERT)
  • with check - check to apply against NEWLY-UPDATED ROW to see if you can do that action (doesn't make sense for SELECT or DELETE)
  • NOTE: if with check is not specified then the using clause will also be used for with check automatically.

Writing performant RLS policies

One of the common mistakes that we see people make when taking their application programming experience and applying it to the database is thinking of functions as zero-cost. RLS policies are used to filter the rows that a user can see, and they run before some of the filters that you apply (for security reasons), so if your RLS policy passes row data to a function then that function might need to be called for every row in your table. This can be incredibly expensive, but is generally easy to solve by shifting your perspective.

For good performance in the database you want to ensure that the indexes/etc can be used, so you need to write your query in a way that can be easily optimized. Rather than asking "is the user a member of this organization" for each row, you can ask to "only include rows from the set of organizations the user is a member of". This sounds like the same question, but in database optimization terms it's a big shift.

Here's an example of what not to do:

-- Inefficient function, do not use!
create function current_user_is_member_of_organization(org_id int)
returns bool as $$
select exists(
select 1
from organization_members om
where om.organization_id = current_user_is_member_of_organization.org_id
and om.user_id = current_user_id()
$$ language sql stable;

-- Poorly performing RLS policy that passes row data to a function, do not use!
create policy select_my_organizations
for select on posts
using (current_user_is_member_of_organization(organization_id));

And here's the question rephrased in such a way that the database only needs to call a function once in total rather than once per row, and can then use indexes to filter the records:

Much better
create function current_user_organization_ids()
returns setof int as $$
select organization_id
from organization_members om
where om.user_id = current_user_id()
$$ language sql stable;

create policy select_my_organizations
for select on posts
using (organization_id IN (select current_user_organization_ids()));

A good way to tackle and make sense of PostGraphile is to go through these steps:


Describes why you would want to go with this approach in the first place and what the benefits and features of using PostGraphile are. Do not be deterred if you find this daunting and are not used to using this much SQL. Using the database as the application layer is a fairly modern and unfamiliar concept, but by adopting it there are many benefits you may reap by being close to the data, as well as leveraging the declarative nature of SQL.

Quick start

Walks you through installing the required software such as node and postgres and creating of a database that PostGraphile will be connecting to.

Schema Design

Whether you have or have not built databases before, this section gives valuable advice about how to design a solid database. Topics include naming conventions, namespacing with schemas, managing access with roles and policies, handling migrations and much more. If these words are unfamiliar to you, do not worry, it will be clear once you have built a database following this guide.


PostGraphile does not require Docker, and is very at home in a pure Node.js environment, so if you're not big on Docker you can skip this one!

If you develop using Docker, this will run through the building of a GraphQL API for a forum-like website. It goes through installation through to example queries and mutations to issue to PostGraphile.