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makeExtendSchemaPlugin is the plugin generator you need to know about. It's the "bread and butter" of customizing your PostGraphile schema, enabling you to add new fields and types to your GraphQL schema in a convenient and concise familiar syntax - GraphQL SDL.


Though the SDL syntax is used, it is not validated - if you define a type but never use that type, that will likely not cause a schema validation error. If you use a directive that does not exist (or pass the wrong arguments to a directive), that's also unlikely to error. The SDL is just used as a convenient syntax, it is converted under the hood into schema hooks as if you had written a Graphile Build plugin by hand.

If you're already familiar with the typeDefs/resolvers pattern used by systems such as graphql-tools then using makeExtendSchemaPlugin should feel familiar for you.


makeExtendSchemaPlugin is called with a single parameter: a callback function. This function will be passed the build object, and it must return (synchronously) an object defining typeDefs, and one or more of plans and/or resolvers.

The build argument to the makeExtendSchemaPlugin callback contains lots of information and helpers defined by various plugins, in particular the registry (build.input.pgRegistry) which contains all the resources and codecs from introspection, the inflection functions (build.inflection), and the SQL helper (build.sql) which is an instance of pg-sql2.

The callback should return an object with the following keys:

  • typeDefs: a GraphQL AST generated with the gql helper from postgraphile/utils (note this is NOT from the graphql-tag library, ours works in a slightly different way).
  • plans (optional, recommended): an object keyed by GraphQL type name that you're adding or extending in typeDefs, the values of which are objects keyed by the fieldName you've added, and the value of which is typically a plan resolver function (although it can be an object that defines both this and other details)
  • resolvers (optional, not recommended): like plans, except the functions are a traditional resolver functions rather than plan resolver functions

Unlike in PostGraphile v4, the fourth argument to the resolver functions in resolvers does not contain Graphile Build-related helpers. Since the lookahead system from V4 has been replaced by Grafast query planning, you should use plans rather than resolvers.


import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";
import { constant } from "postgraphile/grafast";

export const MyPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
// Get any helpers we need from `build`
const { sql, inflection } = build;

return {
typeDefs: gql`
extend type Query {
meaningOfLife: Int

plans: {
Query: {
meaningOfLife() {
return constant(42);

// Though makeExtendSchemaPlugin and Grafast both support traditional
// resolvers, plan resolvers are preferred for a "pure" Grafast schema.
// Here's what the above would look like with traditional resolvers:
resolvers: {
Query: {
meaningOfLife() {
return 42;

The gql helper

The gql helper is responsible for turning the human-readable GraphQL schema language you write into an abstract syntax tree (AST) that the application can understand. Our gql help differs slightly from the one you may be familiar with in the graphql-tag npm module, namely in how the placeholders work. Ours is designed to work with PostGraphile's inflection system, so you can embed strings directly. You may also embed other gql tags directly. For example:

const nameOfType = "MyType"; // Or use the inflection system to generate a type

// This tag interpolates the string `nameOfType` to allow dynamic naming of the
// type.
const Type = gql`
type ${nameOfType} {
str: String
int: Int

// This tag interpolates the entire definition in `Type` above.
const typeDefs = gql`

extend type Query {
fieldName: Type

"Special" fields

In GraphQL, it is forbidden to name any fields beginning with __ (two underscores) since that is reserved for introspection. We therefore use this prefix to provide additional details to types. What additional information is relevant depends on the type:

Object type step assertion

Object types in Grafast can indicate that they must be represented by a particular step or one of a set of steps; this can help to catch bugs early. For example, in PostGraphile a database table resource should be represented by a pgSelectSingle or similar class; representing it with object({id: 1}) or similar would mean the step doesn't have the expected helper methods and downstream fields may fail to plan because their expectations are broken.

Object types' plans entries may define an __assertStep property to indicate the type of step the object type's fields' resolvers will be expecting; this is equivalent to typeConfig.extensions.grafast.assertStep when defining a object type programatically.

The value for __assertStep can either be a step class itself (e.g. PgSelectSingleStep) or it can be an "assertion function" that throws an error if the passed step is not of the right type, e.g.:

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";

const schema = makeExtendSchemaPlugin({
typeDefs: gql`
type MyObject {
id: Int
plans: {
MyObject: {
assertStep($step) {
if ($step instanceof PgSelectSingleStep) return true;
if ($step instanceof PgInsertSingleStep) return true;
if ($step instanceof PgUpdateSingleStep) return true;
throw new Error(
`Type 'User' expects a step of type PgSelectSingleStep, PgInsertSingleStep ` +
`or PgUpdateSingleStep; but found step of type '${$}'.`,
a($obj: PgSelectSingleStep | PgInsertSingleStep | PgUpdateSingleStep) {
return $obj.get("id");

Type and field scopes

Graphile Build plugins use the "scope" that a type/field/argument/etc is defined with in order to determine whether or not to hook that entity and augment it. For example, the builtin PgFirstLastBeforeAfterArgsPlugin will automatically add first, last, before and after arguments to fields that are scoped as isPgFieldConnection: true and have an associated and suitable pgFieldResource scope set.

You can add to/overwrite the Graphile Build "scope" of a type by adding the __scope property to the object's plans object.

You can add to/overwrite the Graphile Build scope of a field by making the field definition an object (if it was previously a function, move the function to be inside the object using the plan key) and adding the scope property.

For example:

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";

const schema = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
const { users } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;
return {
typeDefs: gql`
type MyObject {
id: Int
plans: {
MyObject: {
// Graphile Build "scope" for the object type 'MyObject'
__scope: {
pgTypeResource: users,

id: {
// The Graphile Build "scope" for the '' field
scope: {

// The plan resolver for the '' field
plan($obj) {
return $obj.get("id");

makeExtendSchemaPlugin might try and guess the scopes to use to be helpful; if it gets them wrong then be sure to overwrite them using the instructions above. To unset scopes, set them to undefined.

Querying the database

You should read the Grafast introduction and the page on "plan resolvers" before reading further here.

Grafast operate based on "steps", instances of step classes, returned from "plan resolvers". Though there are many different step classes, most will accept as input any other step, no matter the class.

However, the plan resolvers attached to the fields on a GraphQL type will typically expect the incoming step to be of the right class, otherwise it will not have the expected methods on it. For example, all the fields on a GraphQL object type that PostGraphile has generated from a database table will expect the parent step to be a PgSelectSingleStep instance (or similar) so that they may do things like $row.get('avatar_url') and have that access the relevant column in the database.

Thus, what you do inside your plan resolver and what you return from your plan resolver are two different concerns. It's essential that you return the right class of step from your plan resolver, to be compatible with what the schema is expecting, but you have a lot of freedom within your plan resolver as to how to achieve that.

One common desire is to access the data in the GraphQL context. You can access this in Grafast using the context() step; for example, you may have stored the current user's ID on the GraphQL context via the userId property, to retrieve these you might do this in your plan resolver function:

const $userId = context().get("userId");

Data from the database can be retrieved using "resources." Resources can be found on build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources, keyed by their name. For example, if you have organizations, users and channels tables, you can get the resources for them via:

const { organizations, users, channels } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;

Now that you have a reference to the users resource, inside a plan resolver function you could get a step representing a set of rows using resource.find:

const $users = users.find();
// ^ PgSelectStep - represents a set of rows

Or you could get a step representing just a single row via resource.get (the filter argument is required, and must represent a combination of columns that matches a unique constraint):

const $user = users.get({ id: $userId });
// ^ PgSelectSingleStep - represents a single row

Now that you have a step representing a single row ($user) you can retrieve its column values using $row.get:

const $organizationId = $user.get("organization_id");

You could then feed this into another step, for example:

const $channels = channels.find({ organization_id: $organizationId });


Pulling this all together, you could build a plugin that adds a Query.myChannels field returning all the channels just from your organization:

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";
import { context } from "postgraphile/grafast";

export const MyChannelsPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
const { users, channels } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;
return {
typeDefs: gql`
extend type Query {
myChannels: [Channel]
plans: {
Query: {
myChannels() {
const $userId = context().get("userId");
const $user = users.get({ id: $userId });
const $orgId = $user.get("organization_id");
const $channels = channels.find({ organization_id: $orgId });
return $channels;

The Channel type used in the typeDefs above is the type that PostGraphile generated automatically for the channels table. See Tables for more on the artifacts generated for each database table.


Though you might be thinking that this would result in multiple requests being issued to the database, thanks to the magic of Grafast and @dataplan/pg, this is not the case. During the optimization phase for the operation plan, @dataplan/pg will recognize that all of these steps represent data coming from the database, and will optimize this into something roughly equivalent to:

select ...
from channels
where organization_id = (
select users.organization_id
from users
where = $1

Running custom SQL

As mentioned above, though what we return from the plan resolver is critical, how we get there is less so. If we want, we can replace some of the logic above with our own custom logic, so long as the result of the plan resolver is still a PgSelectStep representing a set of rows.

One way to issue arbitrary SQL queries against the database is to use the withPgClient step, or its cousin withPgClientTransaction. These both accept an "executor" as the first argument, a step representing arbitrary data as the second argument, and an asynchronous callback as the third argument. The callback will be called with a PgClient instance and the resolved data from the step in the second argument.


The PgClient instance is an abstraction provided by @dataplan/pg, it contains common functionality but also any helpers that the specific Postgres adaptor you're using wishes to expose. Read more about Postgres adaptors in the @dataplan/pg documentation.

The executor

What is an executor?

It's the thing that tells Grafast (or, more specifically, @dataplan/pg) how to communicate with the database. Normally it's embedded directly into the resources, but since we're doing arbitrary SQL no resource is involved.

Why is it explicit rather than implicit?

The simple answer for that is that there can be more than one executor, for example if your schema represents more than one PostgreSQL database.

How do I get an executor?

You can get the executor from any resource representing the target database, for example:

const { executor } = channels;


Here's the previous example again, this time rewritten to use withPgClient to retrieve the organization_id rather than the user resource:

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";
import { context } from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { withPgClient } from "postgraphile/@dataplan/pg";

export const MyChannelsPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
const { channels } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;
const { executor } = channels;

return {
typeDefs: gql`
extend type Query {
myChannels: [Channel]
plans: {
Query: {
myChannels() {
const $userId = context().get("userId");
const $orgId = withPgClient(
async (
// The PgClient instance, with all of the "claims" (if any) already set:
// This is the runtime data that the `$userId` step represented
) => {
if (!userId) return null;

// Here we're using the standard `pgClient.query` function that
// all adaptors must provide, but if you're using an adaptor
// related to your ORM of choice, you could likely use its
// various methods to retrieve this value instead.
const result = await pgClient.query<{ id: number }>({
text: `select id from get_organization_for_user_id($1)`,
values: [userId],

// Return the 'id' value from the first (and only) row, if it exists:
return result.rows[0]?.id;
const $channels = channels.find({ organization_id: $orgId });
return $channels;

Reading database column values

When extending a schema, it's often because you want to expose data from Node.js that would be too difficult (or impossible) to access from PostgreSQL. When defining a field on an existing table-backed type defined by PostGraphile, it's useful to access data from the underlying table in the plan resolver.

To do this you can use the $row.get(columnName) method, where $row is the first parameter passed to your plan resolver function (representing the current record).

Here's an example to illustrate.

In the database you have a product table (imagine an online store), that PostGraphile will include in the GraphQL schema by creating a type Product with fields id, name, price_in_us_cents.

create table product (
id uuid primary key,
name text not null,
price_in_us_cents integer not null

This may result in the following GraphQL type:

type Product {
id: UUID!
name: String!
priceInUsCents: Int!

However imagine you're selling internationally, and you want to expose the price in other currencies directly from the Product type itself. This kind of functionality is well suited to being performed in Node.js (e.g. by making a REST call to a foreign exchange service over the internet) but might be a struggle from with PostgreSQL.

We'll retrieve the price_in_us_cents value from the database, and then use the loadOne step to batch-convert these values from USD to AUD:

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";
import { loadOne } from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { getExchangeRate } from "./myBusinessLogic.mjs";

async function convertUsdToAud(values) {
const usdToAud = await getExchangeRate("USD", "AUD");
return => usd * usdToAud);

export const MyForeignExchangePlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
return {
typeDefs: gql`
extend type Product {
priceInAuCents: Int!
plans: {
Product: {
priceInAuCents($product) {
const $cents = $product.get("price_in_us_cents");
return loadOne($cents, convertUsdToAud);

Mutation Example

You might want to add a custom registerUser mutation which inserts the new user into the database and also sends them an email:

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";
import { access, constant, object } from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { withPgClientTransaction } from "postgraphile/@dataplan/pg";

export const MyRegisterUserMutationPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
const { sql } = build;
const { users } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;
const { executor } = users;
return {
typeDefs: gql`
input RegisterUserInput {
name: String!
email: String!
bio: String

type RegisterUserPayload {
user: User
query: Query

extend type Mutation {
registerUser(input: RegisterUserInput!): RegisterUserPayload
plans: {
Mutation: {
registerUser(_, fieldArgs) {
const $input = fieldArgs.getRaw("input");
const $user = withPgClientTransaction(
async (pgClient, input) => {
// Our custom logic to register the user:
const {
rows: [user],
} = await pgClient.query({
text: `
INSERT INTO app_public.users (name, email, bio)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
values: [,,],

// Send the email. If this fails then the error will be caught
// and the transaction rolled back; it will be as if the user
// never registered
await mockSendEmail(,
"Welcome to my site",
`You're user ${} - thanks for being awesome`,

// Return the newly created user
return user;

// To allow for future expansion (and for the `clientMutationId`
// field to work), we'll return an object step containing our data:
return object({ user: $user });

// The payload also needs plans detailing how to resolve its fields:
RegisterUserPayload: {
user($data) {
const $user = $data.get("user");
// It would be tempting to return $user here, but the step class
// is not compatible with the auto-generated `User` type, so
// errors will occur. We must ensure that we return a compatible
// step, so we will retrieve the relevant record from the database:

// Get the '.id' property from $user:
const $userId = access($user, "id");

// Return a step representing this row in the database.
return users.get({ id: $userId });
query($user) {
// Anything truthy should work for the `query: Query` field.
return constant(true);

Mutation Example with Node ID

In this example we'll use a GraphQL Global Object Identifier (aka Node ID) to soft-delete an entry from our app_public.items table. We're also going to check that the user performing the soft-delete is the owner of the record.

Aside: if you're interested in soft-deletes, check out @graphile-contrib/pg-omit-archived

import { makeExtendSchemaPlugin, gql } from "postgraphile/utils";
import { context, list, specFromNodeId } from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { withPgClientTransaction } from "postgraphile/@dataplan/pg";

const DeleteItemByNodeIdPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
// We need the nodeId handler for the Item type so that we can decode the ID.
const handler = build.getNodeIdHandler("Item")!;

// Extract the executor from the items resource
const { items } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;
const { executor } = items;

return {
typeDefs: gql`
input DeleteItemInput {
id: ID!
type DeleteItemPayload {
success: Boolean
extend type Mutation {
deleteItem(input: DeleteItemInput!): DeleteItemPayload

plans: {
Mutation: {
deleteItem(_, fieldArgs) {
// jwtClaims is decrypted jwt token data
const $jwtClaims = context().get("jwtClaims");

// Read the value from the arguments
const $nodeId = fieldArgs.getRaw(["input", "id"]);

// Decode the node ID, to something like: `{ id: $someStep }`
const spec = specFromNodeId(handler, $nodeId);
const $itemId =;

const $success = withPgClientTransaction(
// Passing a `list` step allows us to pass more than one dependency
// through to our callback:
list([$jwtClaims, $itemId]),
async (pgClient, [jwtClaims, itemId]) => {
if (!itemId || !jwtClaims?.user_id) {
return false;
const {
rows: [row],
} = await pgClient.query(
` UPDATE app_public.items
SET is_archived = true
WHERE id = $1
AND user_id = $2
[itemId, jwtClaims.user_id],
return !!row;

// Since we're returning this data in the same shape as the payload
// and the payload's fields don't need specific step classes, we don't
// need to implement plan resolvers on the payload.
return object({ success: $success });

Polymorphism mutation example

This is a full example of adding a custom registerUser mutation whose payload contains a union of a successful result or two expected error types. It uses a transaction to perform the mutation, and catches errors that happen in that transaction (in which case the transaction will be rolled back) and if they are the known, supported, errors then it will return the given error type. It uses the polymorphicBranch logic to determine which of the event occurred, and thus which type to return.

import { withPgClient } from "@dataplan/pg";
import { gql, makeExtendSchemaPlugin } from "graphile-utils";
import {
} from "postgraphile/grafast";
import { DatabaseError } from "pg";

export const RegisterUserPlugin = makeExtendSchemaPlugin((build) => {
const { users } = build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources;
const { executor } = users;
return {
typeDefs: gql`
extend type Mutation {
registerUser(input: RegisterUserInput!): RegisterUserPayload

input RegisterUserInput {
username: String!
email: String!

type RegisterUserPayload {
result: RegisterUserResult
query: Query

union RegisterUserResult = User | UsernameConflict | EmailAddressConflict

type UsernameConflict {
message: String!
username: String!

type EmailAddressConflict {
message: String!
email: String!
plans: {
Mutation: {
registerUser(_, { $input: { $username, $email } }) {
const $result = withPgClient(
list([$username, $email]),
async (pgClient, [username, email]) => {
try {
return await pgClient.withTransaction(async (pgClient) => {
const {
rows: [user],
} = await pgClient.query<{
id: string;
username: string;
text: `
insert into app_public.users (username)
values ($1)
returning *`,
values: [username],

await pgClient.query({
text: `
insert into app_public.user_emails(user_id, email)
values ($1, $2)`,
values: [, email],

await sendEmail(email, "Welcome!");

return { id: };
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof DatabaseError && e.code === "23505") {
if (e.constraint === "unique_user_username") {
return {
__typename: "UsernameConflict",
message: `The username '${username}' is already in use`,
} else if (e.constraint === "unique_user_email") {
return {
__typename: "EmailAddressConflict",
message: `The email address '${email}' is already in use`,
throw e;

return object({ result: $result });

RegisterUserPayload: {
__assertStep: ObjectStep,
result($data: ObjectStep) {
const $result = $data.get("result");
return polymorphicBranch($result, {
UsernameConflict: {
// This is a `UsernameConflict` if the object has a `__typename` property.
match(obj) {
return obj.__typename === "UsernameConflict";
// In this case, we can just return the object itself as the step
// representing this polymorphic branch.
plan($obj) {
return $obj;
EmailAddressConflict: {
// If `match` is not specified, it defaults to checking
// `obj.__typename === 'EmailAddressConfict'`.
// If `plan` is not specified, it defaults to `($obj) => $obj`.
User: {
match(obj) {
return != null;
// In this case, we need to get the record from the database
// associated with the given user id.
plan($obj) {
const $id = access($obj, "id");
return users.get({ id: $id });
query() {
// The `Query` type just needs any truthy value.
return constant(true);

UsernameConflict: {
// Since User expects a step, our types must also expect a step. We
// don't care what the step is though.
__assertStep: ExecutableStep,
EmailAddressConflict: {
__assertStep: ExecutableStep,

async function sendEmail(email: string, message: string) {
Write your email-sending logic here. Note that we recommend you enqueue a
job to send the email rather than sending it directly; if you don't already
have a job queue then check out

Plugin SQL Privileges

Plugins access the database with the same privileges as everything else - they are subject to RLS/RBAC/etc. If your database user does not have privileges to perform the action your plugin is attempting to achieve then you may need to create a companion database function that is marked as SECURITY DEFINER in order to perform the action with elevated privileges; alternatively you could use this database function directly - see Custom Mutations for more details.