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As you know: PostGraphile builds a GraphQL schema for you by introspecting your database. What you may not know is that it does this through multiple phases using the Graphile Build library. In the gather phase, PostGraphile introspects your database, and builds up a "registry" of all of the "codecs", "resources" and "relations" that it finds. Then during the schema phase, it inspects this registry and uses it to decide what your GraphQL schema should contain.

When you're just getting started with PostGraphile, it's not very important to understand the registry, you can get away with these basic concepts to help you to understand error messages:

  • A codec represents a database type (a scalar, composite, list, domain or range type)
  • A resource represents something in the database from which you can pull data (a table, view, materialized view or function)
  • A relation is a uni-directional link from a codec (e.g. a table type) to a resource (e.g. a table itself)

However, once you want to start writing your own plans, for example via makeExtendSchemaPlugin, understanding the registry becomes more important.


A "codec" describes a type in your PostgreSQL database. There are built-in codecs for the basic scalars:

import { TYPES } from "postgraphile/@dataplan/pg";

const { int, bool, text /* ... */ } = TYPES;

PostGraphile will automatically generate codecs for all of the types in your database, whether they are scalar, composite (including the underlying type that each of your tables/views/etc have), list, domain, or range types.

PostGraphile automatically names these types after their name in the database via an inflector. For example, composite types use the classCodecName inflector.

You can read more about codecs (including how to make your own, and what the built-in scalar codecs are) in the @dataplan/pg documentation:


A "resource" represents something that you can pull data from in your database. Most commonly this is a table, but it also includes views, materialized views and functions. You can even build resources for custom SQL expressions should you wish.

PostGraphile automatically build resources for you based on all your tables, views, materialized views and functions.

There are two main classes of resources. "Table-like" resources don't accept any parameters, you can get resources from them directly using resource.find(spec) or resource.get(spec). "Function-like" resources require a list of parameters (even an empty list), and for these you would use resource.execute(args).

You can read more about resources in the @dataplan/pg documentation:


A "relation" is a uni-directional (one way) relationship from a codec (i.e. type) to a table-like resource (i.e. table). Assuming you have some data for the given codec (whether you got that data from a table, function, or even read it from a file), a relation describes how to get from that to the related records (or record) in the given resource.

In general, foreign key constraints will register two relations, one for the referring table (the table on which the foreign key is defined) to the referenced table (this is the "forward" relation, and is always unique) and one from the referenced table back to the referring table (this is the "backward" or "referencee" relation, and may or may not be unique depending on the unique constraints on the referring table).

You can read more about relations in the @dataplan/pg documentation:


The registry is the container for codecs, resources, and relations. When you're writing a plugin, if you have a reference to the build object then you can access the registry via build.input.pgRegistry. It contains the properties pgCodecs, pgResources and pgRelations. If you had a users table then, depending on the inflectors you're using, it's codec might be build.input.pgRegistry.pgCodecs.users, its resource build.input.pgRegistry.pgResources.users and its relations a keyed object (hash/map/record) stored at build.input.pgRegistry.pgRelations.users.

You can read more about the registry in the @dataplan/pg documentation: