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Exporting your schema

One of the major new features of PostGraphile V5 is the ability to export your schema as executable code. You might use this as a way to "eject" your schema so that you can take care of writing it yourself, or you could use it to make startup in production faster by removing the need for introspection and the plugin systems of graphile-build, or you might just use it to get a better understanding of how your schema works.

However you plan to use it, it's a powerful and exciting new feature! To use this feature:

  1. build your schema
  2. call exportSchema on it

Here's a simple example:

import { exportSchema } from "graphile-export";
import { makeSchema } from "postgraphile";
import config from "./graphile.config.js";
import * as jsonwebtoken from "jsonwebtoken";

async function main() {
const { schema, resolvedPreset } = await makeSchema(config);
const exportFileLocation = `${__dirname}/exported-schema.mjs`;
await exportSchema(schema, exportFileLocation, {
mode: "graphql-js",
// or:
// mode: "typeDefs",
modules: {
jsonwebtoken: jsonwebtoken,

main().catch((e) => {

Run this file, and you should see a exported-schema.mjs file containing your executable schema. You'll notice that this schema does not import graphile-build, graphile-build-pg, etc - it just imports what it needs from graphql, grafast and similar runtime modules.


Not all PostGraphile plugins support exporting the schema, if you use plugins that don't support exporting then your exported schema is likely to have runtime or even security issues. It is essential that you thoroughly test your exported schema before relying on it.


Exporting a GraphQL schema is error-prone, so you should test your exported schema thoroughly. The main failure mode for exported schemas is runtime errors or incorrect variable references when an exported function attempts to reference a variable in the parent scope and that variable wasn't correctly handled via the EXPORTABLE() function from graphile-export. Using eslint-plugin-graphile-export will help catch most of these kinds of errors, but you should be careful to ensure that every function that will be exported is either wrapped with EXPORTABLE (with the correct args) or is from a declared module - see the graphile-export documentation.


If you will be exporting your GraphQL schema we highly recommend that you adopt the exported schema into every facet of your development lifecycle: you should use the exported schema in development, you should use it when running tests, and you should use it on your staging environments. This will give lots of opportunity for you and your QA engineer colleagues to catch any bugs in the export.


We highly recommend that plugin authors (both for internal project plugins and plugins distributed via npm) use the eslint-plugin-graphile-export ESLint plugin to ensure that your methods are correctly exported. This plugin is still experimental so limit it to only running against your plugin code, but it really helps to catch a variety of issues that may prevent your schema from being exported correctly.


You may get value from running ESLint, TypeScript, and/or other code validation tooling against the exported code to ensure there are no undefined variable references or similar.

Running the export

import { grafserv } from "postgraphile/grafserv/node";
import { createServer } from "node:http";
import preset from "./graphile.config.js";
import { schema } from "./exported-schema.mjs";

const server = createServer();
const serv = grafserv({ preset, schema });
console.log("Listening on http://localhost:5555/");