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Version: 4.x

Mutation wrappers

Below you'll find some small plugins that people have written. Larger plugins likely have their own dedicated repositories, these are typically just examples of how to achieve a small goal.

This is a work in progress, in future these plugins will be automatically tested but we've not got quite that far yet, so my apologies if you come across any issues.


* This plugin sets the `input.quizPatch.updatedAt` to the current timestamp in
* the `updateQuiz*` mutations IFF it's not already set.
module.exports = function SetInputObjectDefaultValue(builder) {
builder.hook("GraphQLObjectType:fields:field", (field, build, context) => {
const {
scope: { isPgUpdateMutationField, pgFieldIntrospection: table },
} = context;
if (
!isPgUpdateMutationField ||
table.kind !== "class" || !== "quiz"
) {
return field;

const oldResolve = field.resolve;

return {
resolve(_mutation, args, context, info) {
// Override the `updatedAt` field if it's not already set.
if (args.input.quizPatch.updatedAt == null) {
args.input.quizPatch.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString();
return oldResolve(_mutation, args, context, info);

// Tested via:
// npx postgraphile --append-plugins @graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector,`pwd`/examples/plugins/0300_mutation_wrappers/OverrideArgValuePlugin.js -c graphile_org_demo -s app_public