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Version: 4.x

Database Function Gallery

Below you'll find some examples of various PostgreSQL functions, and their effects on PostGraphile.

This page is a WIP - sorry that it's hard to read right now, we will definitely be tidying it up! If you want to help with this, please pop into our discord chat and volunteer!

All these diffs are automatically produced using the functions as written.

Custom Queries

Logged in user field

create function viewer()
returns users
as $$
select *
from users
where id = current_user_id();
* current_user_id() is a function
* that returns the logged in user's
* id, e.g. by extracting from the JWT
* or indicated via pgSettings.
$$ language sql stable set search_path from current;
--- Original GraphQL Schema
+++ Modified GraphQL Schema
@@ -1795,6 +1795,7 @@

"""Chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random. XKCD#221"""
randomNumber: Int
+ viewer: User

"""Reads a single `Forum` using its globally unique `ID`."""

Computed Columns

User primary email

* Returns the primary email of the
* current user; for all other users
* this function will return null.
create function "users_primaryEmail"(u users)
returns text
as $$
select email
from user_emails
where user_id = current_user_id()
and user_id =
and is_verified is true
order by id asc
limit 1;
$$ language sql stable set search_path from current;
--- Original GraphQL Schema
+++ Modified GraphQL Schema
@@ -3130,6 +3130,7 @@
condition: QuizEntryCondition
): QuizEntriesConnection!
+ primaryEmail: String


Custom Mutations

Insert multiple records

* Occasionally you'll want to create a bunch of rows in different tables in a
* single mutation. Here's an example of how to do that.
* Pretend we're registering quiz entries, and we want to store each answer in
* its own table as we want to be able to operate on the answers independently
* later.
* This means we want:
* 1. A mutation that takes input data for inserting one quiz entry and
* multiple answers.
* 2. A function that inserts a new quiz entry, inserts an answer for each
* answer provided in the input data, and connects each answer to the created
* quiz entry.
* 3. Finally, we want the function to return the inserted quiz entry itself.

* This type is used for input in the mutation
create type quiz_entry_input as (
question text,
answer int

* Here's the function that gets turned into a "custom mutation"
create function add_quiz_entry(
quiz_id int,
answers quiz_entry_input[]
returns quiz_entry
as $$
q quiz_entry;
a quiz_entry_answer;
insert into quiz_entry(user_id, quiz_id)
values(current_user_id(), quiz_id)
returning * into q;

foreach a in array answers loop
insert into quiz_entry_answer(quiz_entry_id, question, answer)
values (quiz_id, a.question, a.answer);
end loop;

return q;
$$ language plpgsql volatile strict set search_path from current;
--- Original GraphQL Schema
+++ Modified GraphQL Schema
@@ -1,3 +1,41 @@
+"""All input for the `addQuizEntry` mutation."""
+input AddQuizEntryInput {
+ """
+ An arbitrary string value with no semantic meaning. Will be included in the
+ payload verbatim. May be used to track mutations by the client.
+ """
+ clientMutationId: String
+ quizId: Int!
+ answers: [QuizEntryInputRecordInput]!
+"""The output of our `addQuizEntry` mutation."""
+type AddQuizEntryPayload {
+ """
+ The exact same `clientMutationId` that was provided in the mutation input,
+ unchanged and unused. May be used by a client to track mutations.
+ """
+ clientMutationId: String
+ quizEntry: QuizEntry
+ """
+ Our root query field type. Allows us to run any query from our mutation payload.
+ """
+ query: Query
+ """Reads a single `User` that is related to this `QuizEntry`."""
+ user: User
+ """Reads a single `Quiz` that is related to this `QuizEntry`."""
+ quiz: Quiz
+ """An edge for our `QuizEntry`. May be used by Relay 1."""
+ quizEntryEdge(
+ """The method to use when ordering `QuizEntry`."""
+ orderBy: [QuizEntriesOrderBy!] = [PRIMARY_KEY_ASC]
+ ): QuizEntriesEdge
A floating point number that requires more precision than IEEE 754 binary 64
@@ -1472,6 +1510,12 @@
input: DeleteUserByUsernameInput!
): DeleteUserPayload
+ addQuizEntry(
+ """
+ The exclusive input argument for this mutation. An object type, make sure to see documentation for this object’s fields.
+ """
+ input: AddQuizEntryInput!
+ ): AddQuizEntryPayload

If you've forgotten your password, give us one of your email addresses and we'
@@ -2115,6 +2159,12 @@
quizId: Int!

+"""An input for mutations affecting `QuizEntryInputRecord`"""
+input QuizEntryInputRecordInput {
+ question: String
+ answer: Int
Represents an update to a `QuizEntry`. Fields that are set will be updated.