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Version: 4.x


We automatically discover relations between database tables by inspecting their foreign keys (and indexes if --no-ignore-indexes or ignoreIndexes: false is set), and use these to build relations into the generated GraphQL schema.

An example of a foreign key constraint when defining a table would be the REFERENCES keyword below:

CREATE TABLE app_public.users (
-- ...
organization_id int NOT NULL
REFERENCES app_public.organizations ON DELETE CASCADE,
-- ...
CREATE INDEX ON app_public.users (organization_id);

Alternatively a foreign key constraint can be added after table creation:

ADD CONSTRAINT users_organization_id_fkey
FOREIGN KEY (organization_id)
REFERENCES organizations
CREATE INDEX ON users (organization_id);

You can read more about defining foreign key constraints, including constraints that utilise multiple columns, in the PostgreSQL documentation.

PostGraphile detects and exposes one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relations automatically. Many-to-many relationships can be handled with the many-to-many relations plugin.

By default, relations are exposed as GraphQL fields using a camelCase combination of the target type and the source fields (inflectors: singleRelationByKeys, singleRelationByKeysBackwards, and manyRelationByKeys). Unique constraints expose a GraphQL table type directly, non-unique constraints expose a connection. The GraphQL connections that these relations expose support pagination, filtering, and ordering.


Example database schema for one-to-many relation

create schema a;
create schema c;

create table c.person (
id serial primary key,
name varchar not null,
about text,
email varchar not null unique,
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp

create table (
id serial primary key,
headline text not null,
body text,
-- `references` 👇 sets up the foreign key relation
author_id int4 references c.person(id)
create index on (author_id);

Example query against the above schema

allPosts {
nodes {

# this relation is automatically exposed
personByAuthorId {

Many-to-many relations

Many-to-many relations can be handled with the many-to-many relations plugin or by using a computed column that returns setof:

create table post (
id serial primary key,
headline text,
body text
create table author (
id serial primary key,
name text
create table post_author (
post_id integer references post,
author_id integer references author,
primary key (post_id, author_id)

create function "post_authorsByPostId"(p post)
returns setof author as $$
select author.*
from author
inner join post_author
on (post_author.author_id =
where post_author.post_id =;
$$ language sql stable;