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Version: 4.x

GraphQL Schema Plugins

PostGraphile's schema generator is built from a number of Graphile Engine plugins. You can write your own plugins - either using the helpers available in graphile-utils, or using the raw plugin interface available from Graphile Engine.

If you're looking for an easy way to remove/rename things, check out smart comments.

Writing Plugins

We've created a number of plugin helpers for common tasks:

For everything else, you can write raw Graphile Engine plugins.

Do check out our plugin gallery for examples of plugins. These are generally suitable for copying/pasting into your app and then customising to your needs.

Loading Plugins

Once you've written (or installed) a schema plugin, you can load it using the CLI:

# For a local file:
postgraphile \
--append-plugins `pwd`/add-http-bin-plugin.js \
-c postgres:///mydb

# Or, for an npm plugin:
postgraphile \
--append-plugins postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter \
-c postgres:///mydb

The --append-plugins option accepts a comma separated list of module specs. A module spec is the absolute path to a JS file to load (or name of an npm module), optionally followed by a colon and the name of the export (you must omit this if the function is exported via module.exports = function MyPlugin(...){...}). E.g.

  • --append-plugins my-npm-module (requires module.exports = function NpmPlugin(...) {...})
  • --append-plugins /path/to/local/module.js:MyPlugin (requires exports.MyPlugin = function MyPlugin(...) {...})

If you're using postgraphile as a library you can instead use the appendPlugins option which you should pass an array of plugin functions (you are responsible for importing these functions yourself).

const ConnectionFilterPlugin = require("postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter");
postgraphile(process.env.DATABASE_URL, "app_public", {
appendPlugins: [
/* add any more plugins you need here */
graphiql: true,

Remember: multiple versions of graphql in your node_modules will cause problems; so we strongly recommend using the graphql object that's available on the Build object (second argument to hooks) rather than requiring your own version.